Saturday, October 31, 2009

Cardinal Sulawesi Shrimp part 4

I have added another 5 into the tank last weekend (Total 7). Apparently I am being told it is caught from the wild and not breed in captivity. Probably this explain why i got different size instead of one standard size.

CRS - Grade S & SS

Grade SS

Grade S

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Nano Planted Tank - 30cm

All pictures taken with Camera phone

Few days later - Added in ADA Amazonia II powder type (Only soil)
Hardscape consists of OHKO rocks.

Hydor Prime 10 external canister filter.
Original media is removed and replaced with ADA Bio Rio

Filled up with water while waiting for plants to arrive the next few days.
Filter is turned on to start bacteria colonization.

Result of day 1 planting
Emerged Staurogyne sp on foreground & midground. Rotala sp. green and emerged Micrathemum Micranthemoides on background between the rocks

1 week later
Removed all stem plants.

2 months later

4 months later.
This tank has been dismantled. Plants are sold.


Aquarium : 30cm (L) x 19cm (W) x 26cm (H)
Substrate : ADA Amazonia II Powder
Filtration : Hydor Prime 10 + ADA Bio Rio
Lighting : 18W PL, turned on for 7 hrs per day
CO2 : Ista mini glass diffuser, 1 bps
Additives : 3 drops of ADA Brighty K every 2 days, 3 drops of ADA Step 1 every 3 days
Water change : 1/3 every week
Temperature : 24-25C

Stay tune for new layout . . .

4ft tank - Dismantled

Apr 09

May 09

Jun 09

Jul 09

Picture taken using Nokia E71.

I replaced this tank with wider 4 ft (Shallow planted tank) after having it running for almost 4 months. Some of the ferns and Bolbitis are transferred to the new tank.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Nerite Snail

Nerite snail scraping GSA on the rock

Another shot

Bought 2 to test their efficiency in scraping off some of the algae on the rocks. So far I am very satisfy with their ability to remove GSA on the rocks. I got to say that they are among the best algae eater I have in the tank. You will be able to see clean "path" on the rocks as they move.

The only drawback by having them is that they will lay eggs on the rock and it is hard to be removed. However, plus point is that Nerite eggs are unable to hatch in freshwater. I have enough of Ramshorn Snail infestation which require manual removal everyday to control their population in the tank.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Corydoras Pygmy

Lining up?

Nice little fish that helps to stir up soil/sand. Size approx 2cm and often seen finding tidbits of food on the substrate area. Haven't seen them compete for food during feeding time.

From my observation, they are usually active during night time and spend most of their day time in densely planted area.

Besides, they will shoal nicely if you have at least 6, preferably 10 or more. Mine occasionally shoal together with Ember Tetra and Otocinclus.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Ramshorn snail infestation

Many . . . many . . . many . . . of them

Close up picture

Another close up picture

I use this to look for them at night (light off).

I spent few minutes (hours maybe) every night removing those snails shown in the pictures by using long tweezers. They are harmless but having too many of these little things is going to give you ugly sight of your tank especially during photo shoot. They like to move up onto the aquarium glass during night time (light off). Possibly grazing on GDA (Green Dust Algae).

I have to use manual removal using tweezer due to the amount of CRS i have in the tank which restrict me from putting in fishes like puffer or loach.

I guess I will have to live with these little pest as long as I am having the tank.

Chemical for balanced ecosystem

Some of liquid chemical used to achieve balance and healthy ecosystem in my tank.

Middle row from left to right: ADA AP2 fish food, ADA Green Brighty Step 1, ADA Brighty K, Seachem Excel (I pour them into empty Brighty K bottle, Seachem Prime)

Front row from left to right : ADA ECA, ADA Phyton Git, ADA Green Bacter

Backrow from left to right : IronHide, The Fallen, Starscream. I love transformer!

Brief description:
(1) Green Brighty Step 1 : To promote new leaf growth for initial stage up to 3 months.
(2) Brighty K : Pottasium. Improves leaf colour and promotes photosynthesis. Can be useed to neutralize chlorine during water change
(3) Seachem Excel : Liquid carbon. All plants need carbon source
(4) ECA : Iron and organic acid that promotes absorption process of plants. Good for color loss of plants
(5) Phyton Git : Sterilizing ingredients extracted from plants. Good for suppressing plants especially fern disease and removing green algae
(6) Green Bacter : Additive made from organic acid and able to promote beneficial bacteria.
(7) Seachem Prime : Anti-chlorine

Dosing regime in my 120cm shallow planted tank:-

3-5 times (3-5 ml) of excel divided into few interval. I use Excel to control BBA (Black Brush Algae). Able to see significant result in 3 days after dosage of approx 20ml daily even on GSA (Green Spot Algae). Be careful as overdose might kill your fauna in the tank. Stick to recommended dosage if you are unsure.

3-5ml of Brighty K daily
3-5ml of Green Brighty Step 1 every alternate day
3 drops of ECA twice weekly (sometimes once a week)
3 drops of Phyton Git every 3 days (sometimes once a week)
5 drops of Green Bacter after each WC

Dosing regime in my 50cm planted tank:-
1 drop of Phyton Git every 2 days
2 ml of Excel daily
2 drops of Green Bacter after each WC

Every tank has different need and requirement depending on plant type, density, age, etc. As such, my dosing regime doesn't provide absolute guide to anyone.

Happy dosing!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Cardinal Sulawesi Shrimp part 3

Today's picture

Permanent hiding spot for my Cardinal Shrimp.

Posing in front of camera

Home sweet home

It has been over 72 hours and both shrimps have established well in the tank. I am planning to obtain additional 3 Cardinal this coming Saturday.

Previous post & picture on this shrimp is available through here > part 2 & part 1

Disappointing picture quality taken with Ixus 95IS. Not sure it is because of my photography skill or the camera itself. Maybe someone can teach me how to take better picture with this camera.

. . . sigh

Monday, October 19, 2009

Iwagumi Tank - 50cm

After receiving numerous request to provide tech spec on the tank posted in Water change made easy, I have decided to share it.

. . . 10 days
General tank data :-

Size : 50cm (L) x 34cm (W) x 43cm (H)

Substrate : ADA Amazonia II from mid to background. Sarawak sand(?) as decorative foreground sand

Rock : Lava rock

Lighting : 16W x 2 T5 Super Bright (Aquazonic)

Filtration : Eheim Ecco Pro 2034 + complete media

Temp : 24-25C

Co2 : 1bps via nano ceramic diffuser

Flora : Staurogyne sp & peacock moss

Fauna : 9x Rainbow Forktail, 5x Green Fire Tetra & 2x Otocinclus

Dosing regime : Seachem Excel 1ml per day.

Water change : 1/3 every 3 days. Will reduce it to once weekly after a month

Eheim Ecco Pro 2034 + Co2 Tank with solenoid regulator

Upcoming review will be on Ecco Pro 2034.

Dead Red Cherry Shrimp

This is one of my favourite Red Cherry Shrimp (RCS) and has been in my tank for over 7 months. From above picture, you will be able to see deep red coloration compare to widely available RCS.

She passed away today. I highly suspect it is due to old age from the weird movement shown since yesterday.

Thick red coloration

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Crystal Red Shrimp - Full White

Just added 10 full white CRS into my 4ft shallow tank.

ADA freak?

Some of my ADA (Aqua Design Amano) stuff. Ladies, these are not cosmetic products . . .

The box with pink ribbon gotten from Malaysia ADA party lucky draw.

More . . .

Water change made easy

Are you interested to keep fishes?
Are you interested to keep a fish tank?

Most will answer NO. Some will question back on how much work needed to keep one.

The main concern is about maintenance needed to keep it clean and healthy especially on weekly water change.

Picture below will show how easy it is to perform water change. It is called WIWO (water in water out) method.

front hose = outlet, side hose = inlet.

Wait for 3-5 mins (Depending on your tank size. Recommended WC is 1/3 or 30% weekly). Reminder : please dose in some anti-chlorine to prevent killing fishes. Not much needed.

Job done! It is time to roll hoses and keep for next water change

Alright . . . some might start questioning whether this method is safe enough for fishes/shrimps. Yes it is. I have never encountered any casualty by performing WC this way.

For benefit of all, my inlet is connected to cheapo filter as shown below.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Cardinal Sulawesi Shrimp part 2

It has been over 24 hours. Both shrimps are in healthy state and I hope to keep this sexy species that way.

From my observation, this shrimp doesnt move that much compare to other shrimps. They move slowly and quite shy.

Cardinal Sulawesi Shrimp part 1

I just got 2 of this beauty. Rare and definitely not a beginner's species. Point and shoot picture taken with Canon Ixus 95IS. Photo do not do enough justice for this shrimp.

Coloration : Deep red/rose with white/bluish dots along the body. Its maxillipeds and pereopods (Front legs) are in deep white. The tail area is slightly bluish.

Size : approx 1 cm.

Origin : Sulawesi, Indonesia

Honestly, I do not have any hope to keep this species alive in my tank as I am being told they only survive in water with pH above above 7.0 - alkaline (8.0 recommended). Also, recommended temperature is 25C. Above that and chance or survival is very slim. Probably 0.

Brought this home yesterday and unpack them into small container. I use syringe to slowly inject water from the tank which they will be put in later on. This method allows shrimp to acclimatize before introduce into new tank. After 15 mins, both are released into the tank.

So far, I have to disagree that Cardinal Shrimp cannot survive in acidic water. Mine is around 6.5. Currently the shrimps are still shy and hide around the planted area. Both started to collect/scraping food from rocks which is a good sign.

Next update coming soon . . .

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Shallow Planted Tank


Tank size : 120cm(L) x 60cm(W) x 40cm

Substrate : Holland sand + Sera base fertilizer

Temperature : 24c

CO2 : 2-3 bps

Lighting : 2 x 55Wx2 PL (total 220W)

Filtration : Eheim Pro3 2075 + Hydor Prime 10

Flora : Anubias nana, Bolbitis heudelotii, Cryptocryne wendtii, Echinodorus tenellus, Fissidens Fontanus, Windelov, Java fern, Narrow leaf fern, Staurogyne sp.

Fauna : Ember tetra, Green Fire tetra, Rainbow Forktail, Crystal Red shrimp (CRS) grade S, CRS grade A, CRS full white, Red Cherry shrimp, Yamato shrimp, Otocinclus, Siamese Algae Eater (SAE), Nerite snail, Cardinal Sulawesi Shrimp, Corydoras Pygmy

1/3 Water change weekly.