Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Pamphobeteus sp. machalla

Pamphobeteus sp. machalla

One of my favourite. Molted once and has a big appetite. Nice display specimen.

Saturday, October 23, 2010


Tarantula on my computer desk. I will put up individual picture later on.

Monday, October 18, 2010

5ft Shallow Tank - Setup 1

Rocks, ADA Amazonia I, ADA Powersand Special, Hose, Drill . . . etc.

Custom wood cabinet.

2 x rectangular hole to allow inlet/outlet hose to bypass.

Cabinet and tank will serve as a room divider. Peninsular setup.

Tank + Cabinet. Tank is placed on top of Nike yoga mat. Bought 2 x Nike yoga mat at discounted price. Hope it is able to provide sufficient shock/vibration absorption.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Glosso - Trimming Day

Healthy Glosso creeping all over the soil. Almost zero visibility of algae including the common Green Spot/Dust Algae (GSA/GDA). Not sure if my algae eaters are doing great job in this tank or simply because of some other reasons.

I am using BorneoWild Spring Cutter 28 to speed up trimming job. Next round will try to use BorneoWild Wave Cutter. Please ignore the reflection on the glass :P

Glosso floating all over the tank. I use normal fish net to scoop out floating Glosso before performing water change.

Large water change after trimming. I always perform water change via WIWO technique which is a lot easier and less messy.

Tank data:

Tank size: 5ft length x 2ft width x 40cm height - rimless

Lighting: Custom 80W x 4 T5HO, 8 hours a day.

Substrate: ADA Amazonia I, ADA Powersand Special + Crushed lava rock, BorneoWild Balance, BorneoWild Boost P, BorneoWild Bacter Crystal, BorneoWild Bacter Energy

Filtration: Eheim Pro3 2075 + Eheim Ecco Pro 2034. Both inlet/outlet have been replaced with BorneoWild Glass Lilypipe to create gentle flow and vortex suction on water surface.

CO2: 1 bps via inline diffuser

Plant: Glossostigma elatinoides

Fish: Siamese Algae Eater (SAE) and Otocinclus

Invertebrate: Yamato Shrimp and Fire Red Cherry Shrimp

Water change: 50% every 4-5 days depending on water quality.

Water Temperature: 24-25c

Additives: ADA Brighty K, ADA Step 1, Seachem Excel, CHOICE Aqua Energy Powder (each WC), ADA Phyton Git, BorneoWild Crystal Bacter (each WC)

clonexs - tank specs as per requested

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Mini Terrarium

New addition - mini orchid.

Close up picture.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Carnivorous Plant

Sarracenia sp. Absolutely beautiful and unique plant.

Close up picture.

Top view - my mini scale plant growing tank :)

Front view.

Upcoming project :
1) To get custom 90cm x 45cm x 35cm (L x W x H) tank
2) To get Hagen GLO T5 HO 3ft lighting fixture
3) To add more species into collection

and . . . I need more $$$ to fund my project.